Rue de l'épargne 29, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
/ administration@voxluminis.com

From 14 March to 16 March / Belgium
Ein deutsches Barockrequiem
Because Lutherans do not have a fixed funeral service, Brahms selected…

30 March/19h00 / Belgium
Dies Irae
A woman attacks a wooden box with a hammer as stormy piano chords erupt…
Past events

06 October / Belgium
Rappresentatione di Anima e di Corpo
Cavalieri’s Rappresentatione di Anima, e di Corpo magnifies voices and…

From 25 November to 29 November / Spain
Officium defunctorum
Vox Luminis presents a program with polyphony of the two great…

31 March / Belgium
Et resurrexit
'Kommt, eilet und laufet', because this Easter Sunday resident artists Vox…

13 April / Germany
Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben
Johann Sebastian Bach, Cantata “Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben” BWV…

03 April/20h30 / France
Et resurrexit
‘Kommt, eilet und laufet’, because Vox Luminis are celebrating their 20th…

04 April / France
Et resurrexit
‘Kommt, eilet und laufet’, because Vox Luminis are celebrating their 20th…

12 April / Germany
Et resurrexit
‘Kommt, eilet und laufet’, because Vox Luminis are celebrating their 20th…

28 April/16h00 / Belgium
Et resurrexit
'Kommt, eilet und laufet’, because Vox Luminis are celebrating their 20th…

25 April / United Kingdom
Weimar Kantaten
St James’s Spanish Place is a spiritual oasis in the heart of Marylebone.…

From 14 May to 18 May / Belgium
Donnerode tour
Vox Luminis joins forces with the German Freiburger Barockorchester.…

15 May/20h00 / Germany
Vox Luminis joins forces with the German Freiburger Barockorchester.…

16 May/20h00 / Germany
Vox Luminis joins forces with the German Freiburger Barockorchester.…

17 May/20h00 / Germany
Vox Luminis joins forces with the German Freiburger Barockorchester.…

18 May/20h00 / Belgium
Vox Luminis joins forces with the German Freiburger Barockorchester.…

24 May/20h00 / Germany
Bach 300
For his 80th birthday, Joshua Rifkin will conduct Vox Luminis on three…

01 June/19h00 / Spain
King Arthur
After the Tudor composers and before Handel, it was Henry Purcell who gave…

06 June/20h30 / France
The Fairy Queen
Vox Luminis brings the enchanting story of The Fairy Queen to life. The…

07 June/19h30 / Germany
The Fairy Queen - Festival Klangvokal
Vox Luminis brings the enchanting story of The Fairy Queen to life. The…

09 June/18h00 / United Kingdom
The Fairy Queen - Aldeburgh Festival
Vox Luminis brings the enchanting story of The Fairy Queen to life. The…

27 June/19h00 / Belgium
The Fairy Queen - Festival Musiq3
Opening concert of Festival Musiq3 and Les Festivals de Wallonie Vox…

29 June/20h00 / Switzerland
Claudio Monteverdi: «Vespro della Beata Vergine»
Festival International de Musiques Sacrées de Fribourg Conducted by…

06 July/20h00 / Belgium
Sacro Monteverdi
In 1641 Monteverdi published his Selva morale e spirituali, a major…

07 July/16h00 / Belgium
Sacro Monteverdi
In 1641 Monteverdi published his Selva morale e spirituali, a major…

11 July/19h45 / United Kingdom
Sacro Monteverdi
In 1641 Monteverdi published his Selva morale e spirituali, a major…

21 July/11h00 / Austria
Vox Luminis XL - Spem in alium
Artistic director Lionel Meunier selected the iconic motet Media Vita of…

25 August/16h00 / France
Et resurrexit
'Kommt, eilet und laufet’, because Vox Luminis are celebrating their 20th…

25 August/11h00 / France
Der Friede sei mit dir
Join Lionel Meunier and the Vox Luminis ensemble for an original,…

28 August/20h00 / Belgium
Palestrina, Missa Papae Marcelli - Laus Polyphoniae AMUZ
In the mid-16th century, a heated debate raged in the Vatican about…

31 August/20h00 / Netherlands
Cristóbal de Morales: Officium Defunctorum - Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht
With the Officium Defunctorum and the five-part Missa Pro Defunctis,…

01 September / Germany
Cristóbal de Morales: Officium Defunctorum - Musikfest Bremen
With the Officium Defunctorum and the five-part Missa Pro Defunctis,…

17 September / Germany
Bach: h-Moll-Messe - Beethovenfest Bonn
The marriage of convenience between Vox Luminis and the Freiburger…

26 September / United Kingdom
King Arthur
After the Tudor composers and before Handel, it was Henry Purcell who gave…

28 September / Belgium
King Arthur
After the Tudor composers and before Handel, it was Henry Purcell who gave…

09 October / Belgium
Bach: h-Moll-Messe
The marriage of convenience between Vox Luminis and the Freiburger…

24 November / Latvia
Ein Deutsches Barockrequiem
Because Lutherans do not have a fixed funeral service, Brahms selected…

18 December / France
The Young Haendel
Georg Friedrich Haendel came of age in … Italy. He lived there for five…

10 October / Germany
Bach: h-Moll-Messe
The marriage of convenience between Vox Luminis and the Freiburger…

11 October / Germany
Bach: h-Moll-Messe
The marriage of convenience between Vox Luminis and the Freiburger…

13 October / Germany
Bach: h-Moll-Messe
The marriage of convenience between Vox Luminis and the Freiburger…

21 November / France
Ein Deutsches Barockrequiem
Because Lutherans do not have a fixed funeral service, Brahms selected…

22 November / Netherlands
Ein Deutsches Barockrequiem
Because Lutherans do not have a fixed funeral service, Brahms selected…

23 November / Estonia
Ein Deutsches Barockrequiem
Because Lutherans do not have a fixed funeral service, Brahms selected…

13 December / Germany
The Young Haendel
Georg Friedrich Haendel came of age in … Italy. He lived there for five…

14 December / Netherlands
The Young Haendel
Georg Friedrich Haendel came of age in … Italy. He lived there for five…

15 December / Belgium
The Young Haendel
Georg Friedrich Haendel came of age in … Italy. He lived there for five…

17 December / Belgium
The Young Haendel
Georg Friedrich Haendel came of age in … Italy. He lived there for five…

21 December / Belgium
The Young Haendel
Georg Friedrich Haendel came of age in … Italy. He lived there for five…

From 17 January to 21 January / Belgium
Fauré. Requiem
Artists in residence at the Concertgebouw Brugge, Anima Eterna Brugge and…

From 05 February to 07 February / Belgium
G. Carissimi, Oratoria
Without Giacomo Carissimi, the oratorio and the recitative might never…