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22 March/20h00 / France
Machaut Rolling Over in his Grave
The Messe de Nostre Dame, an emblematic work of the medieval repertoire…

17 May / Czechia
La Dolce Vista

05 June/15h47 / Czechia
Le corps s’en va, le coeur demeure…Songs from the Leuven Chansonnier
In 2015, at an auction, a collector was in an adventurous mood and decided…

06 June/15h49 / Slovakia
Le corps s’en va, le coeur demeure…Songs from the Leuven Chansonnier
In 2015, at an auction, a collector was in an adventurous mood and decided…

08 June / Germany
Feast of the Swan
Past events

From 15 January to 31 March / France
Applications are open for the Leymen MedRen Summercourse!
The "Kaleidoscope" summer academy takes its name from a concept dear to…

From 02 February to 03 February / Belgium
La Flamboyance
Like a monumental fresco come to life, our program "La Flamboyance" is…