La Rêveuse - France

La Rêveuse
Conservatoire des créneaux - 1, place de la République, Orléans, France

22 March/19h00 / France
The Nightingale and the Emperor of China
Andersen's fairy tale The Nightingale and the Emperor sums up the beauty…

27 March/14h15 / France
The Nightingale and the Emperor of China
Andersen's fairy tale The Nightingale and the Emperor sums up the beauty…

30 March/17h00 / France
The Human Voices - Marin Marais
To go through the magnificent second book of viol pieces by Marais is to…
Past events
11 January / France
London 1740, a stroll in Vauxhall Gardens
The 1740s were dominated by the instrumental fashion of the German flute,…

21 January/16h00 / France
The Bird's Concert
Birds have always inspired composers since time immemorial. The first…

27 January / France
Secret d'instruments
The Musée de la Musique conserves the oldest known 7-string bass viol,…

10 February/17h13 / France
La Rêveuse - The Bird Concert
Birdsong has inspired composers since the dawn of time. The first…

11 February/17h18 / France
La Rêveuse - The Bird Concert
Birdsong has inspired composers since the dawn of time. The first…

22 February/17h21 / France
La Rêveuse - Sandrine Piau - Handel's divas - Radio France Auditorium
Fairies, queens, martyrs, magicians, great lovers... it's quite simple,…

29 February/17h25 / Italy
La Rêveuse - The Bird Concert
Birdsong has inspired composers since the dawn of time. The first…

From 02 March to 02 March / France
The Bird's project - The fabulous story of birds in music
A cabinet of curiosity lecture -concert on composers' fascination for…

From 03 March to 03 March / France
The Bird's concert
Birdsong has inspired composers since the dawn of time. The first…

From 09 March to 09 March / France
Stabat Mater, Scarlatti- La Rêveuse and Maîtrise de Radio France - Sofi Jeannin
La Rêveuse reunites with the Radio France Maîtrise and its conductor Sofi…
From 16 March to 16 March / France
L'Œil d'Artemisia
La Rêveuse invites you to rediscover the life of the famous painter…

From 29 March to 29 March / France
The Carnival of the endangered animals
The Carnival of the Endangered Animals, inspired by Saint Saëns's…

From 29 February to 29 February / France
The Carnival of the Endangered Animals
The Carnival of the Endangered Animals, inspired by Saint Saëns's…

13 April/15h00 / France
Ann Ford, a woman musician in 18th century
Ann Ford was a meteor in the musical history of 18th-century England. Born…

From 16 April to 18 April / France
The Nightingale and the Emperor of China - shadow theatre and ancient instruments
"With the real nightingale, you don't know in advance what's coming,…

13 May/17h30 / France
The Fabulous Story of Birds in Music (music lecture) - school session
Although far removed from human music, birdsong has never ceased to…

From 14 May to 15 May / France
The Nightingale and the Chinese Emperor after Andersen
Le Rossignol et l'Empereur (The Nightingale and the Emperor), a…

16 May/13h45 / France
The Nightingale and the Emperor of China. Musical shadow theatre show.
Le Rossignol et l'Empereur (The Nightingale and the Emperor), a…

18 May/20h30 / France
The Bird Concert
Birdsong has inspired composers since the dawn of time. The first…

17 May/20h30 / France
The Fabulous Story of Birds in Music - musical conference
Although far removed from human music, birdsong has never ceased to…

24 May/20h30 / France
Rembrandt and music
Was Rembrandt a musician? What music might he have heard and heard? This…

28 May/19h30 / France
The Nightingale and the Emperor of China, musical shadow theatre show
Le Rossignol et l'Empereur (The Nightingale and the Emperor), a…

30 May/17h00 / France
The Fabulous Story of Birds in Music - musical conference
Although far removed from human music, birdsong has never ceased to…

02 June/16h00 / France
The Bird Concert
Birdsong has inspired composers since the dawn of time. The first…

09 June/15h00 / France
Rembrandt and music
Was Rembrandt a musician? What music might he have heard and heard? This…

22 June/21h00 / France
Les Caractères by La Bruyère - concert reading with Benjamin Lazar and La Rêveuse
Adapted from La Bruyère's book of the same name, this candlelit…

04 July/18h49 / Belgium
Le Carnaval des animaux en péril
Loosely based on the work by Saint-Saëns, Le Carnaval des animaux en péril…

07 July/14h30 / France
Le Concert des Oiseaux
Birdsong has inspired composers since the dawn of time. The first…

08 July/14h30 / France
Le Rossignol et l'Empereur de Chine
Andersen's fairy tale The Nightingale and the Chinese Emperor sums up the…

26 July/19h30 / France
Les Voix Humaines - Marin Marais et Sainte Colombe
The viol pieces by Marin Marais, known to the public since Pascal…

From 05 August to 05 August / France
Ann Ford or emancipation through music, music lecture
Ann Ford's London was infatuated with Johann Christian Bach and Carl…

From 06 August to 06 August / France
Ann Ford, musicienne des Lumières
Ann Ford was a young woman intent on making a living from her art and…

From 11 August to 11 August / France
L'Autre Monde ou les Etats et Empires de la Lune (théâtre baroque musical) avec Benjamin Lazar
The show proposed by Benjamin Lazar and La Rêveuse, is a guided tour of…

From 13 August to 13 August / France
The Bird Concert
Birdsong is very different from instrumental song, and yet no other animal…

12 September / France
Music conference: in search of Joachim Van Den Hove
Like the piano in the 19th century, in the 16th and 17th centuries the…

20 September / France
The Nightingale and the Emperor of China
Andersen's fairy tale The Nightingale and the Emperor sums up the beauty…

21 September / France
Le Rossignol et l'Empereur de Chine
Andersen's fairy tale The Nightingale and the Emperor sums up the beauty…

06 October / Switzerland
Vauxhall Gardens
In the 18th century, London was undergoing a major urban transformation:…

16 October / Switzerland
A spiritual concert in Lübeck
The voice has always been the favourite instrument of composers of…

18 October / France
The Nightingale and the Chinese Emperor after Andersen (school performance)
The tale of The Nightingale and the Emperor sums up the beauty of music…

19 October / France
The Nightingale and the Chinese Emperor after Andersen
The tale of The Nightingale and the Emperor sums up the beauty of music…

23 October / France
The Nightingale and the Chinese Emperor after Andersen
The tale of The Nightingale and the Emperor sums up the beauty of music…

25 October / France
The music salon of Mesdames de France
Queen Marie Leszczynska, the wife of Louis XV, passed on her passion for…

03 November / Switzerland
The Bird Concert
Birdsong has inspired composers since the dawn of time. The first…
08 November/20h30 / France
The Nightingale and the Emperor of China
The fairytale The Nightingale and the Emperor sums up the beauty of music…
09 November/20h30 / France
The Bird Concert
Birdsong has inspired composers since the dawn of time. The first…
15 November/20h30 / France
The Nightingale and the Emperor of China
The fairytale The Nightingale and the Emperor sums up the beauty of music…

26 November / France
London 1740, Vauxhall Gardens
With contagious joy, La Rêveuse takes us back to a forgotten London, where…

05 December / France
L'Autre Monde ou les Etats et Empires de la lune - baroque theatre
Benjamin Lazar and the musicians of La Rêveuse have set themselves the…

06 December / France
The Other World or the States and Empires of the Moon - baroque theatre
Benjamin Lazar and the musicians of La Rêveuse have set themselves the…

07 December / France
An amusing history of musical instruments
Did you know that the first flutes were invented in prehistoric times to…

14 December / France
Marin Marais, les Voix Humaines
To go through Marais's magnificent second book of viol pieces is to relive…