Helsinki Baroque Orchestra - Finland

For twenty years, Helsinki Baroque Orchestra’s performances and recordings have captivated audiences with their potent combination of emotional eloquence and infectious vitality. Their programmes frequently include first modern performances of unpublished or reconstructed masterpieces, and also shed unexpected and often provocative new light on more familiar works. Their music-making has contributed to the ensemble’s reputation as a major exponent of German and Baltic music.
At home, groundbreaking productions of Monteverdi, Handel, Hasse, Koželuch, and Schubert operas have earned the orchestra wide recognition. Since 2011, Helsinki Baroque Orchestra’s monthly series at the Helsinki Musiikkitalo has reached a large, new, and enthusiastic public. A visionary selection of repertoire and guest artists has ignited the audience in an unprecedented way, and in the process catalysed early music’s elevation to something of a cult status in Finland. Recurring soloists and guest directors include Max Emanuel Cenčić, Franco Fagioli, Reinhard Goebel, Werner Güra, Erich Höbarth, René Jacobs, Julia Lezhneva, Riccardo Minasi, Enrico Onofri, Tarmo Peltokoski, Valer Sabadus, Carolyn Sampson, Skip Sempé, and Dmitry Sinkovsky.
Helsinki Baroque Orchestra
Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 15 A 10, Helsinki, Finland