Wassail, wassail! All over the town! - Christmas Concert

07 December Italy / Muggia

Cenacolo Musicale 

Roberta Canzian, soprano
Federica Paganini, contralto
Timoteo Bene Junior, tenore
Patrizio La Placa, baritono

Matteo Rozzi e Arianna Brandalise, violini
Martina Pettenon, viola
Cristina Vidoni, violoncello
Donatella Busetto, concertazione

The program consists of vocal pieces with instrumental accompaniment taken from the European and American historical and popular heritage and arranged according to a chronological itinerary that proceeds from the ancient melodies of the thirteenth-century Salisbury Rite, an English parallel to the Roman Liturgy, to the first medieval polyphonic forms (Cotton fragment) and Renaissance ones (Riu Riu Chiu taken from a collection by Villancicos of 1556) bearing the message of the Annunciation.In dulci jubilo, a melody of popular origin, in its double version elaborated by Praetorius and J.S.Bach, is a tribute to the Baroque and ideally acts as a pivot between the European and American continents on which attention will now focus: and here is the style simple, according to the practice of improvised modal harmony, by Ye Nation, the expressive accuracy of Harold Darke and the sweetness of a lullaby with an impressionist spirit by Vaughan Williams.
The Wassail program concludes! All over the town!, a song of good wishes for the new year, which, carried from house to house by a traveling group of singers and musicians, between toasts and Christmas sweets, amplified the feeling of celebration in the exchange of good wishes, under the auspices of future, abundant harvests and serenity for the new year.The feeling of Christmas is thus the underlying theme of this concert and the various musical forms in which it has been able to embody itself over the centuries trace its historical path, according to a time span that embraces almost a thousand years of history between the old and new world.

 Wassail, wassail! All over the town! - Christmas Concert

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