Vivaldi Straordinario | Festival baroque de Sézanne

05 October 2024/ France / Sézanne

With an orchestra rarely seen in Vivaldi, Les Ambassadeurs ~ La Grande Écurie will bring you an explosive programme! No one knew better than Vivaldi how to experiment with colours, ranging from the extraordinary to the absurd! No doubt this was a gamble, a game for him. We know what a fabulous laboratory the orchestra of the Pietà orphans was, playing every possible instrument.
He even revived the old polychoral tradition, by having the soloists play with... two orchestras. Several of these concertos were written for his friend, the great violinist Pisendel, and his orchestra at the Court of Dresden. So it is at the crossroads of the two Venetias (the real Venice and the Venice of the Elbe) that our programme is set. 
Vivaldi Straordinario | Festival baroque de Sézanne

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