QUATUOR - The Quartet from Vivaldi to the contemporary

07 October/18h30 Italy / Sala Settecento - Gorizia

Giuseppe Tartini (Pirano d’Istria 1692 – Padova 1770)
Sonata a 4 in Sol maggiore

Maddalena Laura Lombardini Sirmen (Venezia 1745 – 1818)  Quartetto n. 3 in Sol miinore

Gian Francesco Malipiero (Venezia 1882 – Treviso 1973) Quartetto per archi n. 1 “Rispetti e strambotti”

Renato Miani (1965)
Nella torre
La musica di Walter

Violino I Tommaso Luison
Violino II Giacomo Scarponi
Viola Alessandro Savio
Violoncello Mattia Cipolli

The great repertoire for string quartet began to develop in the mid-eighteenth century, anticipated by the diffusion of the sonata (or symphony) for four. The famous Piran violinist Giuseppe Tartini explores the 4-part writing in numerous works, designed mainly for private contexts or "academies". His pupil Maddalena Laura Lombardini Sirmen, Venetian by birth and virtuoso of singing and violin, writes 6 quartets which already represent a more complete and mature form of writing for quartet. Almost 150 years later, the Venetian composer Gian Francesco Malipiero, whose 50th death anniversary falls, writes his first string quartet, "Rispetti e strambotti", unanimously considered a masterpiece for the originality of the language, inspired in the past but full of twentieth-century elements. To complete the program the work of the Friulian composer Renato Maini…The European Baroque quartet deals with the repertoires of different eras with a historically informed approach and using instruments with period mounts. The first part of the program will therefore be performed with period instruments and the second with instruments assembled in a modern way, with the idea of being able to restore as much as possible a sound and style appropriate to each repertoire.

QUATUOR - The Quartet from Vivaldi to the contemporary


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