Pontoise Baroque Festival

From 16 November to 17 June France / Pontoise

Act 2 of the festival, which will run until next summer, has just begun with a show combining Renaissance polyphony by Les Cris de Paris and the very modern choreography of François Chaignaud, followed by great French motets by the Centre de musique baroque de Versailles and the Conservatoires de Paris and Lyon under the baton of Emmanuelle Haïm.

Coming up: the Aedes ensemble and Rocio Marquez, Les Traversées Baroques, Les Kapsber'Girls, I Giardini, La Rêveuse, Eve Risser and Samuel Achache, Sebastien Daucé, Cie MPDA, Leviathan, Canticum Novum and our new ensemble-in-residence Il Caravaggio conducted by Camille Delaforge.

Pontoise Baroque Festival

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