Petrarca, tra stile antico e stile moderno - Concerto Soave
29 September France / Marseille
Cipriano da Rore, Orlando Lasso, Luca Marenzio, Francesco de Layolle, Girolamo Kapsberger, Giulio Caccini, Sigismondo d'India, Jacopo Peri...
Petrarch's poetry was a great success with musicians from the early 16th century. This craze continued into the early 17th century, even though the musical style, with the invention of accompanied monody, had undergone a profound transformation. Concerto Soave pays tribute to the great poet through this transition, which is much more subtle than one might think, between the polyphonic ‘ancient style’ and the monodic ‘modern style’.
Petrarch and his poetry, which reaches out to the universal through the intimate experience of love, pain and communion with nature, are thus exalted by these composers, who are among the greatest of their time. The musical depth increases tenfold the evocative power of the poet's verses, plunging the listener into the heart of the richest courts of the 16th and 17th centuries.<hr class=‘break-tag’ />Programme devised by Romain Bockler and Jean-Marc Aymes as part of the six hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the death of Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374).
Petrarch's poetry was a great success with musicians from the early 16th century. This craze continued into the early 17th century, even though the musical style, with the invention of accompanied monody, had undergone a profound transformation. Concerto Soave pays tribute to the great poet through this transition, which is much more subtle than one might think, between the polyphonic ‘ancient style’ and the monodic ‘modern style’.
Petrarch and his poetry, which reaches out to the universal through the intimate experience of love, pain and communion with nature, are thus exalted by these composers, who are among the greatest of their time. The musical depth increases tenfold the evocative power of the poet's verses, plunging the listener into the heart of the richest courts of the 16th and 17th centuries.<hr class=‘break-tag’ />Programme devised by Romain Bockler and Jean-Marc Aymes as part of the six hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the death of Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374).
Concerto Soave Corinne Bahuaud, mezzo-soprano Olivier Coiffet, tenor Romain Bockler, baritone Guillaume Olry, bass Jean-Marc Aymes, organ and harpsichord