From 13 June to 13 June Italy / Pavia

This concert is intended to be a journey through the course of the Italian Baroque music in order to explore the various currents present in the Country. The Coro Universitario del Collegio Ghislieri will start from the great dramatic theatricality of Alessandro Scarlatti, a Palermitan composer who was a great exponent of the Neapolitan Baroque school and very active in Rome, to go back to the capital with the great violin works of Arcangelo Corelli. We will move on to the cathedral of S. Pertronio in Bologna with the music of Giovanni Paolo Colonna to end this journey with the venetian Antonio Caldara, one of the most active Italian Baroque composers abroad, particularly in Vienna. Within this itinerary, the choir will make a small diversions to late 17th century Paris with Marc Antoine Charpentier.

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