Vauxhall Gardens
06 October Switzerland / Fribourg
In the 18th century, London was undergoing a major urban transformation: spaces dedicated to music were extending as far as the gardens, which were conceived as new cultural venues; Vauxhall, the best-known of these, opened every day at the end of the day and its modest entrance fee made it easily accessible. You can stroll and dine there, but also admire the night-time illuminations, discover exhibitions of fashionable painters or listen to magnificent concerts.
This is where some of the musical creation of the moment is played out, with works by Georg Friedrich Handel and Thomas Arne, which show the evolution of tastes: Italian opera is still fashionable, but it is often preferred to ballads and romances sung in English or to the frenzied rhythm of Scottish jiggings and rants.
This is where some of the musical creation of the moment is played out, with works by Georg Friedrich Handel and Thomas Arne, which show the evolution of tastes: Italian opera is still fashionable, but it is often preferred to ballads and romances sung in English or to the frenzied rhythm of Scottish jiggings and rants.