LA SERVA PADRONA, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi - OPERA FUTURA Project

17 May/21h00 Italy / Sacile

Cristina Neri (Serpina), Omar Kamata (Uberto), Valerio Bufacchi (mimo) 
Third and fourth grade boys and girls of primary classes, like mimes

Cenacolo Musicale
Tommaso Luison e Alessandro Mele, violin
Luca Marzolla, viola
Cristina Vidoni, cello
Mauro Zavagno, violone
Donatela Busetto, harpsichord
This year the European Baroque Association wanted to take on a new challenge, rethinking the role of cultural organizations in responding to the needs and desires of a new audience: the spectators of tomorrow. With this ambitious objective, the Opera Futura project was conceived, a unique pilot project in our region, which actively involves the new generations to guide them towards the knowledge and appreciation of Baroque opera. Thanks to the collaboration of the actress Federica Guerra and the set designers Gemma Dorothy Aquilante and Alice Poppi, three specific workshops designed for third and fourth grade boys and girls were set up in concert with the "Rita Levi Montalcini" comprehensive institute in Fontanafredda primary classes: theatricality, direction and scenography. Articulated and structured paths that allowed the very young to explore their expressive abilities not only as actors, but also as coordinators of the production phases of the show and as builders of the scenic elements. The fruit of their commitment is this original staging of Giovanni Battista Pergolesi's funny intermezzo The Servant Mistress which sees on stage, in addition to the singers, the boys and girls, protagonists of the show that they themselves contributed to creating.Tomorrow's audience is the protagonist today.
LA SERVA PADRONA, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi - OPERA FUTURA Project


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