20 October/16h00 France / Avignon

Scarlatti, La Giuditta (ver. Cambridge)
La Giuditta is an oratorio by Alessandro Scarlatti, written in 1690 for three soloists, strings and continuo, and often referred to as ‘di Cambridge’ since the manuscript is held in the Rowe Music Library. It tells the story of the Hebrew heroine, Judith, who liberated the besieged town of Bethulia after seducing and beheading General Holofernes, leader of King Ahasuerus's army.
And it is up to the soloists and orchestra of the magnificent GhislieriMusica led by the excellent conductor Giulio Prandi to bring back to light the refined theatrical intentions and the mature and stunning instrumental writing of this Giuditta, both sacred music and melodrama, performed for the first time in Avignon. 

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