JANUA - Abbaye de Saint Victor - Marseille

12 October France / Marseille

“Any door has two sides (…) likewise I, gatekeeper of the celestial palace, examine the East and the West at the same time.” Janus Two-Faced God, Ovide, Les Fastes

Through the monumental works of Dufay and his Byzantine contemporaries Chrysaphes and Plousiadenos, J A N U A takes you on a discovery of a unique period, as short as it is unknown: the time of the last attempt to unite East and West in the fifteenth century.
The voices of the Irini Ensemble merge for the first time with sackbuts and medieval trumpets. We invite you to discover the musical treasures resulting from this explosion of life and unparalleled creativity which saw artists and thinkers from both shores of the Mediterranea join forces in the hope of averting the downfall of a civilization. 

JANUA - Abbaye de Saint Victor - Marseille

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