International Festival of Early Music "note senza tempo"

From 30 July to 16 December Italy / Sassari

"Note senza tempo" was born out of the pressing artistic need to create a new type of festival, for the first time in the city of Sassari, in northern Sardinia, betting on a new project that could spread early music in a territory not very used to this musical genre. The festival is directed by Calogero Sportato, guitarist and lutenist, who is in charge of the organisation, and Daniele Cernuto, cellist and gambist, who is the artistic director.

The first step was to set up a network between the various teaching centres present throughout the region, creating a symbiosis between the Conservatory of Sassari, the Conservatory of Cagliari, the University of Sassari and the D.A. Azuni Musical High School. The objective was not only to refer to Sardinian artists, but to broaden the horizons towards an international selection, which led to the formation of a network between festivals such as the International Festival of Ancient Music of Timisoara, Brianza Festival, Musicae Amoeni loci, Barocco Europeo, Festival di Caimari and others, allowing the mobility of artists and ensembles between festivals. All this has given Sardinia visibility among festivals all over the world and has allowed the valorisation not only of its coasts, but also of its history and traditions.
International Festival of Early Music "note senza tempo"


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