19 October/21h00 Italy / Ex Convento San Francesco - Pordenone
Eastern Chamber parte dalla musica da camera con tutta sua spontaneità evocata nei salotti dell’800. La musica da camera è intesa come incontro fra i musicisti, compositori e il pubblico di amici.
Come nella musica dei salotti centroeuropei di quell’epoca, Eastern Chamber volge lo sguardo verso l’oriente, la tradizione dell’est, il klezmer, la musica dei Balcani, Ungheria, Romania, fino all’estremo oriente …
In questo programma suoneremo le antiche danze e canti tradizionali come Sirba, Freilach, Bulgar e Doina.
Eastern Chamber
Robindro Nikolic – clarinette o chalumeau
César Alejandro González – viola & cuatro venezolano
Alvise Seggi – contrabasso
Francesco savoretti – percussioni
David Eggert – violonchelo
Eastern Chamber starts with chamber music with all its spontaneity evoked in the drawing rooms of the 19th century. Chamber music is understood as a meeting between musicians, composers and an audience of friends.
As in the music of the Central European salons of that time, Eastern Chamber turns its gaze to the East, the tradition of the East, klezmer, the music of the Balkans, Hungary, Romania, all the way to the Far East ...
In this programme we will play ancient traditional dances and songs such as Sirba, Freilach, Bulgar and Doina.
Eastern Chamber
Robindro Nikolic - clarinette or chalumeau
César Alejandro González - viola & Venezolano cuatro
Alvise Seggi - double bass
Francesco savoretti - percussion
David Eggert - violonchelo
Eastern Chamber starts with chamber music with all its spontaneity evoked in the drawing rooms of the 19th century. Chamber music is understood as a meeting between musicians, composers and an audience of friends.
As in the music of the Central European salons of that time, Eastern Chamber turns its gaze to the East, the tradition of the East, klezmer, the music of the Balkans, Hungary, Romania, all the way to the Far East ...
In this programme we will play ancient traditional dances and songs such as Sirba, Freilach, Bulgar and Doina.
Eastern Chamber
Robindro Nikolic - clarinette or chalumeau
César Alejandro González - viola & Venezolano cuatro
Alvise Seggi - double bass
Francesco savoretti - percussion
David Eggert - violonchelo