Ein deutsches Barockrequiem

From 14 March to 16 March Belgium / Bruxelles, Malonne et Luxembourg

Because Lutherans do not have a fixed funeral service, Brahms selected texts from various Biblical sources for his German Requiem. Vox Luminis traces a path from those texts to some of the familiar and less-familiar pages of their core repertoire, works that set to music exactly the same texts that Brahms selected.

March 14, 20:00 | BOZAR, Brussels (BE) : https://www.bozar.be/en/calendar/vox-luminis-lionel-meunier-0
March 15, 19:00 | Abbaye musicale, Malonne (BE) : https://laphilharmonique.be/evenement/vox-luminis-ein-deutsches-requiem/
March 16, 17:00 | Eglise Saint-Pierre, Lintgen - Rencontres Musicales de la Vallée de l’Alzette (LU) : https://rmva.lu/en/event/concert-4-ein-deutsches-barockrequiem/71
Ein deutsches Barockrequiem

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