12 October 2024/20h00/ Spain / Loulé, Portugal

As a reaction to the formal, normative, and nude art of the Renaissance, the Baroque style emerged with sharp contrasts, great creative freedom, passionate exaggerations, and theatricality. One of the most apparent and meritorious pictorial aspects of the Baroque style is chiaroscuro. This technique involves directing light onto objects and characters, creating enhanced effects of light and shadow that establish a tenebrous atmosphere and perspective. In the early Baroque period, painting was characterized by the contrasts produced by light and shadow, and similarly, music gained independence and expression in its quest for new textures, forms, and means of expression, with monody resurfacing and embracing tonality to the detriment of modality.
The concert program presented by Capella de Ministrers is structured around this premise: the transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque in Spanish music from 1500 to 1650, featuring a blend of composers and songbooks related to Miguel de Cervantes and his ironic chiaroscuro. In his work (and not only in Don Quixote), we find an inexhaustible source of references to the musical customs, dance, and music of 16th-century and early 17th-century Spain.

Carles Magraner, direction and viola da gamba
Beatriz Lafont, soprano and baroque guitar
Manuel Minguillón, baroque guitar and theorbo

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