Baroque in Yellow and Blue - a Swedish-Ukranian music weave

Sweden / Stockholm

"Baroque in Yellow and Blue – a Swedish-Ukrainian Musical Weave" invites you to explore the rich, little-known world of 17th-century Ukrainian polyphony, intertwined with Baroque dances from the Swedish Düben Collection.

On EARLY MUSIC DAY 2025, the sonorous vocal ensemble PARTES (Kyiv) joins forces with the internationally acclaimed harpsichordist Mariangiola Martello, performing in the magnificent acoustics of the German Church.

At the heart of the program is Mykola Dyletsky, a pioneering figure in Eastern European Baroque music, alongside his Swedish contemporary Gustaf Düben, renowned for his vast collection of European scores. A harmonious yet contrasting musical experience - with a message of peace.

On 21 March, also programme and tickets for the XXIV Stockholm Early Music Festival are released!

Baroque in Yellow and Blue - a Swedish-Ukranian music weave


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