Bach: h-Moll-Messe

09 October Belgium / Antwerp

 The marriage of convenience between Vox Luminis and the Freiburger Barockorchester has already regularly heated things up, in the positive sense of the word. The next step in their collaboration is Bach’s Mass in B, or Hohe Messe. No one knows why, at the end of his life, a Protestant composer gathered up all his knowledge and expertise and expanded a previous arrangement of the Kyrie and the Gloria – a so-called Missa brevis from 1733 – into an entire Catholic Mass. It doesn’t matter anyway. The fact is that in this magnum opus, Bach succeeded in combining beauty and polyphonous complexity like never before. Bach at his best!
Coproduction: Perpodium
Supported by the Tax shelter of the Belgian Federal Government via Cronos Invest. 
Bach: h-Moll-Messe

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