28 September/18h00 Italy / Valvasone

Elisabetta de Mircovich voice, symphonia, viella, baroque cello
Matteo Zenatti voice, psaltery harp, Renaissance harp
The suffering of love, which chains lovers in a more or less golden prison, has been, is and will most likely be represented, sung and painted in the art of all time.In this musical and temporal wandering we will start from the 12th century, the era in which the theorization of so-called courtly love, or rather, fin'amor, was born.Andrea Cappellano, in his philosophical-didactic work De amore, defines the basic principles that will inspire the contemporary lyrics of the troubadours in the English language, as well as those of the subsequent German minnesängers. The freedom and unscrupulousness of feeling are sometimes described with extraordinary intensity, outside the box of docile dedication to the beloved, as in the story of Raimbaut de Vaqueiras, where the man submits to the beloved almost hating himself for being completely devoted to her.



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